Geothermal Energy Power EPC Turnkey Service


Special Features of the Total Service :

1. For Hot spring owners who possess hot spring, its water right license, and land: If they invest in the geothermal power station, they can readily enjoy the profit sharing without investing beforehand the manpower, materials, and capital. eyeball Aerodynamics can also provide equipment mortgage service for a BOT transfer later on, which will create obvious incomes much better than their existing hot spring related business.

2. For the investors of geothermal power generation equipment: eyeball Aerodynamics undertakes all needed tasks in its turnkey service including preparing for the land with the hot spring source, procuring energy storage and power generation equipment, installing in and deploying to the power station, applying for the 2nd type or 3rd type power license, correspondences with local government, applying for testing of Grid-connection following the technical specifications, and being granted the license from TaiPower, providing the Grid-Connection Impact Analysis Report, and eventually a 20-year electricity selling contract with TaiPower be obtained for the investor. The investor does not need to invest in any manpower or materials. His investment in the equipment together with the turnkey service will generate 300% returns on investment.

3. For financial institutions, trust companies, and leasing companies: eyeball Aerodynamics can provide power station’s operation and maintenance services for a 20-year electricity selling contract with TaiPower and the account receivables for the afore mentioned service, which can enable a fund company to issue the green certificate. eyeball Aerodynamics can also help match an investor to the financing institution for mortgage or leasing.

4. For the listed companies in need of carbon rights:By providing total turnkey service including green technology and equipment, and the deployment to the power station, deliverables, and acceptance, eyeball Aerodynamics can support realizing the strategy of energy saving and carbon reduction for the purpose of ESG (Environmental Sustainability Goals) fulfillment. The standard of net zero emission will be followed in order to contribute to the company ethics.

Geothermal Hot Spring Base :

  • Developing the land for constructing the power station with a full set of power generation equipment at the region with abundant hot spring source.
  • Provisioning light-weighted, miniaturized, and mobilized equipment, and their deployment methodology for fast, massive, effective, and economical deployment.

Procurement of Geothermal Electricity Equipment :

  • eyeball Aerodynamics owns the know-hows and relevant IPRs for the Geothermal Hot Spring Hybrid Storage and Power Generation equipment. The individual units will be assembled at the perspective suppliers and the whole set installed and implemented in the power station, and tested, verified, and validated through a series of procedure to make sure of fulfilling the objective of power generation volume.

Construction of Power Station :

  • Demonstrating the total capacity of planning, designing, monitoring, and constructing the power station for geothermal hot spring and air hybrid storage and power generation.
  • Abundant experiences in shallow digging techniques from the geothermal source, as well as in hot spring source maintenance and land development.

Electricity Infrastructure :

  • Deployment and installation of the geothermal hot spring and air hybrid storage and power generation equipment in the power station, which is connected parallelly with TaiPower’s Feeder and grid and will be tested and verified periodically for electricity volume steadiness and other relevant services.

Equipment Maintenance and Operation in the Power Station :

  • Distributed smart power grid with IDC for monitoring, controlling and maintenance.

Green Financing Services :

  • eyeball Aerodynamics holds the core multiple technology integration capability for developing holistic air storage and power generation know-hows which contains eyeM5 FPGA-based AIOT techniques, i.e., AC voltage drop compensation, micro alternation, precision mechanical transmission, aerodynamic flow sensing control, CanBus/IPFS protocol and data encryption, NFT smart contract, as well as Web3.0 webpage design.

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